Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday April 28th 2007 - Team practice

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

It became clear today that Walter is really, really taking his time to sniff the ball before deciding if he'll pick it up or not. (treat ball = pick it up and carry it; regular ball = maybe pick it up, maybe not, and if he does he'll only hold it for a second before spitting it out) He puts his hands on the box, pauses to sniff the ball before he picks it up, then hops his feet onto the box to finish the turn. Seeing as this alternating between treat ball and regular ball isn't having the desired effect, we're going to only use the treat ball for several sessions. Only when he's got that part down will we gradually and slowly introduce a regular ball.

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