Sunday, June 4, 2006

Sunday June 4th 2006 - team practice (outside)

(Backfilled in October 2009 due to impending closure of Geocities)

Walter's first flyball team practice! Emily and Sammy were out on healing/recovery breaks, so it was just Abby, Tashtego, and Walter, and thanks to the weather finally cooperating, our first ever outdoor team practice! Warmed up with a bit of stretching first, then the first round of boxwork. Used the tug only, no treats and he wasn't as tug-motivated there as he is at home. But after a few clumsy warm-up turns, he was getting all four on, although not exactly what I'd call fast. Then, recall over three jumps. He did fine over the jumps -- it was the getting him to wait calmly with the handler (Jen) that was the challenge. But I have confidence that once he goes through it a few times, he'll realize there's nothing to it and be just fine. After practice we stayed at the field to do a bit of agility.

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